Sturgeon Battery Energy Storage System Project
TERIC are the proud developers of the Sturgeon Storage Project, a 23 MW project that will be stand-alone and tied into the Alberta Interconnected Electrical System (AIES) for dispatch by the Alberta Electrical System Operator (AESO).
- Stage Development
- Type Utility Scale Energy Storage
- Size/Duration 23MW/46MWh
Project Location
This project is located in the Municipal District of Greenview, Alberta. Contact us for more information.
See more projectsProject Overview
TERIC Power Ltd. (TERIC) is pleased to introduce our proposed Sturgeon Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Project (the Project). TERIC has received approval from the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to construct and operate a battery storage project at the NW 33-68-21 W5M surface location, approximately 15 kilometers southeast of the Town of Valleyview, in the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16, Alberta. The facility will be located on privately owned previously disturbed land.
The Project will consist of a 23-megawatt capacity lithium-ion battery storage system. This standalone facility will be used to store electricity for discharge into the local distribution system upon demand from the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). Once installed, the Project will be able to provide grid reliability services to the AESO.
Community Benefits
The Project will generate municipal tax revenue that will contribute to the tax base for the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16, while requiring minimal municipal services. During the construction phase, the Project will provide local jobs for electricians, equipment operators, labourers, specialized trades, site managers and engineers.
Once operational, on-going site services such as project operators, electricians, and vegetation control jobs, will be required. Additionally, the procurement of materials and local support services such as accommodations and food services for workers, will be required during both the construction and operations phases.
Stakeholder Engagement
TERIC is committed to working with all stakeholders to keep them informed of our development activities. We pledge to listen to input and to address any concerns, directly consulting with the landowners, occupants, and the residents in the area. We welcome your feedback, so please contact a TERIC representative with any questions or comments regarding the Project.
Project Documents
AUC Energy Storage Facility Approval (October 2024)
AUC Project Decision Report (October 2024)
Contact Us About This Project
Contact dave.carscadden@tericpower.com to request a copy of the project information package by mail or email, or to schedule a telephone consultation with a TERIC project representative.
Alternatively, please use the form below and a TERIC representative will reach out directly:
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